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August 6, 2016

Daiginjo sake and girlie drinks

Dinner at Rozan.

Kamoshibito Kuheiji Junmai Daiginjo Hinokishi (醸し人九平次 純米大吟醸 彼の岸) 2014, BY28 - with a seimaibuai (精米歩合) of 30%.  Dry on the palate, with some fermented rice flavors.  A little spicy on the finish.  Probably more of a food sake.

Juyondai Special (十四代 秘酒) - forgot to check the BY for this bottle, but assume it would be 28 as it was purchased this year.  Seihakudo (精白度) of 65%, which should translate to seimaibuai of 35%.  Much smoother and rounder on the palate, and more viscous.  Deeper flavors and richer on the palate.  Also slightly sweeter.

Supper at Hidden Kitchen.

Fukucho Unshu Mikanshu (富久長 温州みかん酒) - this tasted like a very concentrated orange juice with a little bit of added alcohol.  Well... there's less than 7% alcohol here, which is sake-based.  Pretty nice on the rocks.

Okinawa Kokuto Umeshu (沖縄黒糖梅酒) - from Sakiyama Brewery (崎山酒造) using an awamori (泡盛) with 44% alcohol as the base, diluted down to about 14%.  This was expected to be sweet, but actually wasn't as sweet as I thought it would be.  Lots of depth in terms of flavors here, though.  A delicious drink on the rocks.

Full post on dinner and supper is here.

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